The Ego Distorts Reality

The ego distorts reality

A person who suffers from ego issues is generally obnoxious, selfish, bad, destructive, and tends to judge others negatively.

The ego forces us to continually reflect a good image of ourselves  in society, but it is sorely lacking in humility.

It is akin to an illusion, a fantasy that believes itself to be above others. Our opinion of ourselves is then distorted,  and the real “us” gradually moves away , which prevents us from knowing ourselves.

People who allow themselves to be dominated by their egos are living in error. They believe themselves to be superior, and no longer perceive reality as it is.

They try to present themselves as they would like to be, instead of as they really are. These people walk through life behind a social mask, inventing a role that distances them from themselves a little more every day.

These masked people feed on flattery, the approval of others, and need to control situations and people.

They want to hold power because, deep inside them, they are afraid and  need to feel superior in order to hide the feeling of inferiority that is actually eating them away. 

The ego is a character that is created little by little,  which moves away from simplicity and which is characterized by great complexity. 

It’s a permanent act that features an ideal protagonist who projects a false self-esteem so that no one sees the great insecurity that lurks inside him.

What happens if you allow yourself to be dominated by the ego?

Nothing ventured, nothing gained ! If you don’t take any risks because you are afraid of failing,  you will remain trapped in your comfort zone and your routine where you feed your false “you”  with great strokes of flattery.

Familiar terrain is your element, a place where you feel accepted. You do not venture into the unknown for fear of being rejected or criticized.

A person who is truly self-confident is not afraid to set off to discover the unknown,  because he accepts the disapproval of others without feeling any embarrassment.

These people learn from their failures or setbacks, but never doubt their personal worth.

What if the ego is not fed?

When the ego is not fed by the outside world, the person in question feels terribly bad. She may then experience a whole range of emotions  such as shyness, sadness, anger, grief, fear, etc.

In reality, the person displays false security in disguise, but when they receive criticism, when not accepted or acknowledged, the mask falls off, and we realize that they are not who they claim to be. .

Depending on the ego, your identity will depend on what others think of you, which  is why it is important not to let it dominate your life.

If he gets the upper hand, you will conform to what society gives you, you will feel like a leaf that flies in the wind.

How to dominate the ego and let emanate our true essence?

The ego develops as a form of protection. Normally, we let him dominate us to make us feel stronger and more confident in the face of attacks.

The voice of the ego clouds our minds and pulls us away from our true self, preventing us from feeling things with our hearts, even the simplest things like our emotions.

It is important that we are able to understand that  all the acceptance needs that come from outside are nothing but illusions, mirages created by our ego.

We don’t need all of these to be happy. The only thing we need is to dive into an ocean of simplicity and humility.

Let’s stop pretending that we are what we are not, or devalue ourselves, because in the end, we are all equal.

Our inner essence is not that complicated,  we must try to eliminate from our life guilt, demands, perfectionism, the need to win or to be right, avarice, and privilege the pleasure of simple things, appreciate the beauty of life, and learn to be content with small personal satisfactions.

In the end, we realize that humans are not that complicated if we stop turning our thoughts around.

We are simple beings who aspire only to enjoy life in good company. Let love float, accept yourself as you are, and have as much fun as possible.

Listen to your inner essence,  we all have a person worth knowing within us,  don’t let your ego hide it, and allow it to come out into the open.

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