The Importance Of Reducing The Ego To Fuel The Soul

The importance of reducing the ego to fuel the soul

In the territory of the ego, only pride grows, the gaze that understands the world starting from its own navel and sows misfortune in whatever environment it is in. We all know someone who fits this model. These are disharmony spirits who exhaust the calm and should start dieting their egos so that they have some food left over.

If we take a look at the current panorama and the socio-political setting that concerns us, we will realize that, indeed, the realm of the ego is in full swing. There are many countries and leaders who practice self-protectionism and self-defense. Countries where we clearly delimit the you and the ego, where we set aside the foreigner to protect our own identity.

“The ego is an artificial mask created by family, society and culture. It’s a mask over another mask. ”

-Alexandre Jodorowsky-

Many forget, maybe obese egos and the voice of pride only mark the distance, thus bringing inequalities, hatred, discrimination and unhappiness. However, we are not only witnessing this kind of dynamic at the political level. According to an article published in the journal “Psychology Today” , in professional environments, there are more and more directors or chefs who, instead of applying emotional intelligence in their organizations, get carried away by the ego for the need to exercise power and control.

Employees who have bosses with such a profile define them as “little children who have too much power” . Most importantly of all this is that selfish actions taken in any environment, be it family, professional or social, bring no benefit to anyone. Human potential is wasted because the realm of fear, contempt and lack of ethics, empathy and closeness takes precedence over the rest.

We suggest that you reflect on this subject.

Strong egos and great egos

Let’s start by defining something essential. The word “ego” comes from Latin and simply means “me”. For Eastern philosophy, it refers to self-awareness, to self-recognition and to this entity which must be differentiated from unhealthy behaviors such as egotism or selfishness.

On the other hand, Freud also identified this level of our psychic apparatus as an intermediate part where the person struggles between the instinctive impulse and the pressure of social norms. The end goal would be to develop a healthy ego that allows us to harmonize our daily life with our relationships and society.

With all of this, we can undoubtedly deduce that there are two types of ego. On the one hand, we need to develop a strong “me” (ego) where our self-esteem is consolidated, where there is a full awareness of oneself with its values, its nobility and this identity which defines us but which is also sensitive and close to the rest of the identities that surround it. On the other hand, at the opposite pole, are the great egos.

Let’s see in detail what are their characteristics.

Great egos and their personal universes

A big ego is a disproportionate and unrealistic “me” which has not been enriched at the same time inside the person. Her voids, her personal limitations and her lack of self-esteem encourage her to seek external recognition in order to emerge stronger.

  • The big ego aims to “collect” the energies of others to exercise its control. For that, he does not hesitate to humiliate or to despise.
  • The big ego loves to be in the center of attention and to identify with everything that makes it possible to differentiate it from the rest: a title, a success, a brand, a flag …
  • The great ego is able to dress with the armor of kindness to show itself well and thus to gather followers of its person.
  • There are several types of “big egos”. There is the know-it-all Mister / Madam, the sophisticated, the one who seeks prestige, the insatiable and the one who always seeks emotions and new experiences to then take pride in them.

The 7 steps to slim the ego

Throughout history we have missed both psychological and philosophical studies of the ego and its relationship to evil. It is a complex subject where there are no results because the biological, social and educational components are concerned. Either way, everyone knows that great egos are a reflection of anorexic minds that have not been introduced to the universe of Emotional Intelligence.

“If your ego won’t leave you alone, send it to buy some humility.”

It is therefore necessary that we all sow this seed in the new generations, to help them build a healthy and empathetic ego, to show them how to feed the soul and not the ego. Here are some keys to thinking about it all.

Strategies for Overcoming the Ego

The key to overcoming the ego is being aware of our daily behaviors and attitudes. You will ask yourself but… what attitudes? Here they are :

  • Free yourself from the need to be superior to others.
  • Don’t just stick to your successes and your successes. Also recognize those of others.
  • Don’t feel eternally offended by what those around you say, do, or think. They have the right not to be the way you want them to be.
  • Free yourself from the need to have more every day. Appreciate what you already have.
  • Free yourself from the need to win. Sometimes we also learn from defeats.
  • Don’t obsess over always being right.
  • Your goal in life is not to be successful or to be famous. Your goal, quite simply, is to be happy.

To conclude, it should be understood that the daily practice of the ego only puts up walls and creates distances. So let’s start by feeding the soul and by practicing this humility where we recognize the other as a part of ourselves . Let us nourish our heart of nobility to create a more respectful world based on proximity.

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