The One Who Loves Us Is Always Close To Us

The one who loves us is always close to us

587 kilometers, 27 days and some 17 cities separate us, but as Julio Cortázar said, the one who loves us always stays close to us .

Relationships are cultivated little by little, with consistency and all the more effort if there is distance.

Have you ever felt like you’ve been far and away from the people you love for a long time, only to realize when you get back that everything has changed except your relationship?

The bond that unites us to certain people remains strong even from a distance, because we do not let them forget us.

Our home stays close to us, wherever we go

For various reasons, we often have to separate from a loved one for a period of time.

We move to another city, we have to find a job elsewhere, a family is waiting for us in another country, etc.


I could tell you that I feel at home anywhere

if it’s you who opens the door. ”

-Elvira Sastre-



The biggest worries that come over us before we leave must be related to what will become of our feelings and those of those we leave behind.

Will they forget me? Will our relationship change? These questions are very common.

The people we leave are like our “home”, and it is very difficult for us to tell ourselves that in some way they will stay behind us.

However, when we arrive at our destination, we realize that this place we used to call “home” has in fact followed us and continues to protect us.

We continue to consider this place as our home because it is always there no matter what we do, what we are or what we think.

This place is part of our essence, which is enriched with new people, but is not forgotten.

Complicity is stronger than obstacles

The bond that we were able to establish with certain people before leaving is at the origin of the success of the relationship despite the distance.

The bonds that survive the distance are said to be stronger, but they must also already be strong before the start in order to be able to overcome the obstacles posed by the distance.

Probably it is easier to make this effort with people that you really love, since only in this situation the will to remain is pre-arranged.

What we love is always close to us , because we know what it means to us, and for nothing in the world we would not want to lose it.


“I don’t know what it was, but we had something special, and we knew it. You could have noticed it from the way we moved and spoke; we didn’t talk much, but our communication was based on innuendo, and that is precisely what tinted our world gray, as well as the air of safety that we rejected. ”

-Charles Bukowski-


When it comes to reuniting, it seems that the world we left behind has moved on without us: people have gone on living, and you must now find your place in their lives.

If the bond is still there, then you will quickly realize that in fact your relationships have not changed, and that it will take a little time to reconnect and get things back to where they were before.

Who suffers the most? The one who waits, or the one who has never waited for anyone?

With the separations come, to a greater or lesser extent, various degrees of suffering, since it is not easy to move away from others, even for a short period.

Goodbyes are usually difficult for most of us, even if the estrangement is only temporary.

However, Neruda asks us the question of this subtitle: who suffers the most? The one who waits, or the one who has never waited for anyone?

In other words, it hurts us to feel lonely and not being able to hug those far from us.

The distance from those with whom we are close hurts us and the proximity of those who are far away comforts us.

Whatever your answer to this question, the most beneficial seems to be in learning to take advantage of the independence given to us.

Those who love us will always be close to us and will always come back wanting more than ever to spend time with us.

On the other hand, if we are not expecting anyone, cultivating self-esteem will be our main goal.


“Sometimes it only takes 56 seconds of a phone conversation to make the day enchanting for someone miles away.

And we all have 56 seconds free.

-Carlos Miguel Cortés-

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