The Secret To Change Is To Focus Your Energy On Newness

The secret to change is to focus your energy on newness

Do you dare to look at your dreams rather than your past? This is the question you need to answer if you want to make a change in your life and focus all of your energy on what’s new, instead of wasting it looking at the past.

Throughout our lives we experience many changes, some sudden, others slower and predictable, some painful and fun. These changes also signify personal transformations which we resist out of fear but it is nevertheless necessary to live them, to learn and to surpass ourselves.

Change and the triple “A” rule

One of the things that can affect us the most about a change is losing the thread of our goals, the thread of the new that awaits us and being distracted by other details or aspects that are not. as important as the goal we want to achieve.

walking woman

For example, if you want to change jobs and you have made up your mind, your intuition can help. Focus on what you really want, without losing track, and don’t listen too much to what others are telling you or thinking about how happy you should be. Who better than you knows what makes you happy? 

To manage change and focus on your goal properly, you can use the triple “A” rule:

Acceptance of emotions

We fear changes because they usually push us out of our comfort zone. Uncertainty and the unknown cause us little because it is impossible to know what will happen, because in new situations, we control fewer variables. This is why the first step in successfully overcoming change is to deal with your emotions, especially fear, and to accept them. 

Fear should not paralyze us, but stimulate us to act as well as to be curious and to be proactive. Fear is a natural response to the unknown, but we must not allow it to dominate us.


To adapt to changes and focus on newness, it is necessary that we know ourselves. That is to say that we carry out a work of introspection to identify our faults and our qualities, so as to be able to minimize the former and increase the latter.


Knowing yourself allows us to adapt better to change, to know where we need help and where we will make the most of our skills and knowledge. Maybe you can start by questioning your entrenched beliefs and replacing them with more positive thoughts.


Once we know our emotions and how we can deal with them, and know what our skills are, it’s time to act. This is the time when we need to get going and start investing active energy towards our goal.

Managing change implies that we have to anticipate, see what can happen and think of several ways to act. Thus, we will feel more secure and we will have more self-confidence, because the unforeseen will be reduced. Learn how to focus on something better.

In everyday life, we are surrounded by a multitude of elements and situations that distract us and take us away from our goals. Think about what happens when you talk on the phone? It is very rare to devote yourself solely to conversation. Or when you start to do a task on the computer and accumulate tabs. What to do to return to a healthy concentration?

Do one thing at a time

Doing several things at the same time is too much, and sometimes it stresses us out because we are not able to concentrate and finish a concrete thing. This has happened to all of us: writing an e-mail for example and not finishing it because we have been caught up in something else.

cloud woman

To avoid this,  whenever you start a task, focus until it is finished, avoid interruptions, and stay the course. This way of proceeding will give you a certain order and the feeling that you are making progress and that you are not giving up your tasks in the middle, but that you are focusing on concrete things.


Meditation can help you focus on the here and the now, on what is around you and what you are seeing and feeling in the present moment. Through deep breathing, you will be more aware of your body and you will be able to focus better on what is happening in the present.

Find a quiet place, sit cross-legged and start to breathe deeply. Focus on how the air enters your body, how the air enters your nose and mouth, and let your muscles relax.

Do the important things first

If you have several tasks to perform, it is necessary to prioritize, so that the most important do not stagnate and the less important, unless unforeseen, either. Remember that if you save the important things for later, you will be tired and you will not have the attention you need to complete this task that requires all of your concentration.

Take advantage of the first moments of the day to do the most important or the heaviest and most difficult. Thus, you will do it with all your energy, with a good dose of creativity and focusing on your goal, without distractions and with the minimum of accumulated tension.

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