The Words We Use Are A Reflection Of Our Inner “me “

Have you ever thought about the importance of words? They exist to explain the meaning of objects or situations, so that whoever listens to them receives universal information. Words allow us to communicate, express ourselves and understand ourselves. Tell yourself that expressing what we feel with great precision is – among other vicissitudes – what makes us truly human.

Thus, language has a great influence on the results of our projects or on the smooth running of our relationships. Likewise, observing how a person speaks gives us a lot of information about their thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs.

According to psychologist James W. Pennebaker, researcher at the University of Texas (United States), the use we make of words through written and spoken language says a lot more about our way of being and our psychological state. than their content.

Pennebaker has spent 20 years analyzing oral and written speeches. He concluded that functional words, like pronouns, can express more about our moods, our way of thinking and our identity than any verb or noun.

For this researcher, the key lies in the pronouns, prepositions and articles which, although they seemingly have no semantic load, represent half of the words we use every day and allow us to reflect our centers of interest.

“It is possible to achieve something after three hours of arguing, but it is certain that the same will be achieved with just three words of affection .”


What the pronouns say about us

Articles, prepositions, pronouns. Words to which we give importance because we believe that they only serve to bind our ideas. However, how or how often we use them says a lot about us.

People who lie almost never use the pronoun “I”, a fact that 67% of lies detectable. Otherwise, people who are depressed or prone to melancholy abuse the pronoun “I”. Statistics show that people who committed suicide had used twice as much as the average, in their writing, the words “I”, “me”, “my”, “mine” and had never or very little used the pronoun “we”.

In another study, Pennebaker showed that couples who use the pronouns “I” and “we” more often solve problems better than those who use the pronoun “you” more frequently.

“Words can be like x-rays if used correctly: they go through everything. You read them and they pass through you. Here’s one thing I try to teach my students: write insightfully. ”

-Aldous Huxley-

Words define us

Words define us and help us communicate with others. They always express something; thanks to them, we can show our anger, our joy, our sadness and, ultimately, how we feel. Knowing how to communicate correctly involves making yourself understood, understanding others and better understanding what is happening to us.

In general, people who try to fool others do not use pronouns or words to describe emotions. They prefer to use nouns and especially verbs, using them in an indirect and conditional form: for example, “I would do” or “I could”.

Women speak less concretely than men. They use fewer words that refer to orientation and spaces and more words that refer to thinking like “I think”, “I believe”, “it seems to me”. On the contrary, men use more items, mostly to order their world by counting, naming and organizing objects.

Let us not forget that when interpreting, even if the words define us, a word represents half of the one who pronounces it and half of the one who listens to it.

“Those who have a spirit of discernment know the difference which can exist between two words which are similar, according to the places and the circumstances which accompany them”.

-Blaise Pascal-


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