Welcome To The Adventure Of Self-discovery

Welcome to the adventure of self-discovery

Christopher McCandless is a young North American who made the decision to give up everything he had to go to Alaska, live in contact with nature, and discover the true meaning of his life.

It was then that he embarked on the fascinating adventure of self-discovery.

If you want to know the incredible story of Christopher McCandless in search of his true self, you can watch the film Into The Wild masterfully directed by Sean Penn, or read the book of the same name which inspired the film. and which was written by Jon Krakauer.

Now, does this introduction mean that we all have to go to snow-capped mountains, deep forests or steppe areas in order to embark on the adventure of self-discovery?

Of course not, although that’s not a bad idea either.

However, the adventure of self-discovery includes trips, getaways, long conversations, and discovering wonderful places that can change the way you look at yourself as a person.

However, the destination is not as far away as Alaska; the place you are heading to is your own mind, your heart, and your true self.


The adventure of self-discovery: preparing for the trip

The first step in the wonderful journey of self-discovery is to stimulate the muscles that are seldom used and to activate them, which is not easy.

According to Jean Piaget, “an intellectually passive individual cannot be morally free”.

Obviously, getting up and starting to move is a complex process. First of all, you need to be aware of your stillness.

Then you have to convince yourself that you have to take this trip, after which it is time to pack your suitcase and put everything you need …

There is a whole series of preparations that must be taken care of in order to embark on the adventure of self-discovery, which is why then begins a journey without the possibility of returning to the depths of our being.

The pillars of personal existence will be struck down, which is why a good preparation is necessary.

The Adventure of Self-Discovery: The Beginning of the Journey

Here is ; the first step, and not the least, has been taken. All the preparations are ready, and the journey begins.

The panorama that presents itself in front of you is as fascinating as it is intriguing.

Indeed, fear, dizziness and fears can then manifest, but for all that, it is preferable not to go back. The destination is worth it.


According to George Bernard Shaw, “few people think more two or three times a year. For me, what has forged my international notoriety is my ability to think once or twice a week ”.

Remember, you too can adopt this process, applied by philosopher and thinker George Bernard Shaw, of exercising your mind almost every day.

But where does the journey start? In fact, it is simple and complicated at the same time; you take to the road asking yourself questions like “who am I really?”, “why am I here?”, “what do I want?”, or even “where am I? direct me? ”.


“It is only if we take the time to think about the little things that we will come to understand the big ones”

-Jose Saramago-

The adventure of self-discovery: taking wild roads

You packed your suitcase and set off. Now is the time to take wild roads.

Walk into the unknown and dig deeper and deeper into the thought processes of your mind, the nature of your emotions, and the reality of your feelings.

You will find that as you move along the roads leading to your own essence, the affirmation will be more and more present.

Indeed, as Jean-Paul Sartre once said, “I can’t stop thinking. It’s my thoughts that make me exist… and I can’t stop thinking. ”

The start of the trip was tough; stepping out of your comfort zone and heading, without a precise rhythm, towards the abyss of your mind and your heart, it really made you dizzy.

However, as you go along, you will observe that the road becomes clearer, brighter and lighter, as your own reasoning and your own emotions themselves begin to be clearer.

You are you, and you are discovering yourself.


The adventure of self-discovery: reaching your destination

From now on, it is less and less difficult for you to think. You have dusted every nook and cranny of your mind, and your heart is moving forward with a determined step towards your own being.

You can now relate to your journey what Marco Aurelio said: “a man’s life is what his thoughts make of her”… and your thoughts are real and sincere.


“Everything that we are is the result of what we have thought: our being is founded on our thoughts and made of our thoughts”


Through the adventure of self-discovery, you know yourself better as a human being.

Your situation in life, your desires and goals, the value of your emotions, your illusions and dreams, your ability to love what surrounds you, be it nature, family, friends, colleagues, etc.

You already know your limits, your strengths and your weaknesses. You already know who you are and what you are.

The adventure of self-discovery has arrived at its destination, but does not stop, because on this journey it is impossible to turn around or stop for a break.

There is always something new to find, a place to visit or a passion to enjoy.

However, you will know how to distinguish these different elements, because you know who you are and what you are really looking for.


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