What Factors Affect Well-being?

What factors affect well-being?

Well-being is a complex ecosystem. This means that his condition is influenced by many factors at the same time, each having a different influence. This is a term that is used frequently in everyday life. However, we don’t always know what “wellness” means. Therefore, just as we don’t always know what it is, we often have no idea how to achieve it.

What we call well-being includes at least six variables. These are: the emotional, intellectual , professional, physical, social and spiritual aspect. Each of them is a factor that improves or degrades our life. This is why they are all linked to well-being.

Even if we don’t realize it, we put all of these variables into play   on a daily basis. It is therefore necessary to be careful. We may think that well-being focuses on only one of these variables, the one that concerns us the most or rewards us the most. However, they all act simultaneously. Together, they allow us or prevent us from having a full life. Let’s analyze each of them in more detail.

The emotional aspect and well-being

It’s about recognizing and accepting our emotions  and feelings. It involves the ability to reason coherently about yourself. Also be aware of our limitations and strengths.

Emotional well-being manifests itself as the ability to express one’s feelings  and to understand those of others. Also like the ability to make reasonable self-assessments. Finally, it is expressed as assertiveness and proactivity.

woman supported

The intellectual aspect

Intellectual well-being is related to the ability to perform creative mental actions. Use what has been learned and what has been experienced to solve everyday problems or problems of greater importance. It also involves the ability to detect contradictions and methods to address them.

Intellectual well-being exists when curiosity and the desire to learn are present. Also when there is an interest in trying new solutions, in researching and being able to evaluate different intellectual postures.

The professional factor

We speak of professional well-being when satisfaction is achieved through the work we do. In other words, when there is a good attitude towards work. It involves the ability to find a job according to our interests.

Professional well-being manifests itself in the ability to develop new skills in the work or profession  carried out on a daily basis, and to associate work with personal values ​​and the desire to improve.

work group

Physical well-being

It relates to our care for health and appearance. It involves the ability to recognize our nutritional and physical needs. Also to adopt or abandon habits that promote or harm our body.

Physical well-being is expressed through the interest and care we take in our own body. Healthy hygiene habits and proper personal presentation. We are well physically when actions are aimed at preserving life.

The social factor

The social is linked to the ability to create harmonious and cooperative environments. The ability to build constructive relationships with others. Also to abandon relationships, of all kinds, which could be prejudicial or generate discomfort.

Social well-being manifests itself through strong and stable support networks. It is based on mutual aid and understanding. Respect is also a form of expression of social well-being. The ability to set limits with others as well.

Spiritual well-being

It is linked with the component of transcendence which we give to life. It is closely related to the meaning we give to personal existence. Spirituality thrives when we are able to see facts from a long-term perspective. Also when we are interested in adopting a value model and we are able to be consistent with it.

happy woman

It involves the ability to identify universal values ​​and stick to them. Also the ability to join and actively participate in fair causes. Spiritual well-being would therefore be the sum of all the other variables of being well.

As we can see, wellness is a simple word that encompasses many realities. As we said in the introduction, all the factors that make it up are permanently in play. We sometimes lose sight of it because we are particularly sensitive to only one of these dimensions.

It is important to remember that human beings have many facets. This is why our wellness ecosystem is complex. It is important not to lose sight of the facets that compose it. These are interdependent and, therefore, when one of them is in bad condition, another which is going to be good can come to balance it.

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