Why Am I Worried About Everything?

Mental exhaustion, fatigue and even insomnia. Those times when you worry about almost everything, when the mind is at the limit of its resources … Why are we doing this? Why do we fall into these deep abysses of concern?
Why am I worried about everything?

Why am I worried about everything? Why can’t I get out of the mental labyrinth of these anguished thoughts for a while? Many people ask themselves this question at certain points in their life. The truth is, it is very easy to drift into this type of situation and therefore it is useful to delve into this type of psychological anatomy.

As Wayne Dyer points out, the disaster that worries us so much is often less horrific in reality than it was in our imagination. It is true, it must be admitted, men are often veritable factories specializing in the promotion of their own suffering.

However… Is the worry really that bad? Much of the personal development literature, as well as the most popular psychology, insists that nothing is more unnecessary than worrying. However, this is a reality that admits of important nuances.

Worrying is not a harmful or negative exercise; this act of cognitive effort is the mechanism by which we predict that certain things will act effectively later on. The real problem is not to think a lot, the challenge is to know how to think well, to care intelligently, logically and effectively.

A worried man.

Why am I worried about everything?

When you wonder, almost annoyed, why you worry about everything, it’s because you’ve reached the limit. These are situations in which, in addition to mental exhaustion, appear physical discomfort, muscle pain, insomnia and headaches.

Doctor Carlos Pelta of the University of Madrid tells us in an interesting research that these situations are often linked to anxiety and depression. When these cognitive processes focus only on the future, imagining situations that, far from solving the problem, make it worse, we fall into a pathological state.

We cannot go to these extremes. We must not feed these exhausting and negative thought chains without any use. The first step in these situations is to clarify the triggers and take action. Let’s understand what is behind these situations.

We have been taught that responsible people are always worried

We live in a society where conditions, such as anxiety or stress, are normalized. In other words, we assume that every responsible person, committed to their work and their family, is under a heavy load. Responsibility and concern always go hand in hand and the more you worry, the more responsible you will be.

What can we do in these cases?

If we are to get out of this situation, we have to start by changing our way of thinking. It is not by worrying more that we will solve life’s challenges better. It is not because we are more overloaded that we are more worthy of admiration.

Excessive worry makes us less competent and less happy. You have to know how to set limits, establish better management of time and daily responsibilities. We will not always be able to do everything. We need time for ourselves.

“I worry about everything…”: you anticipate the worst

This study carried out at Laval University (Quebec) reveals one of the reasons why we care about everything. People often tend to anticipate negative realities. In a way, the brain tries to prepare us for the worst so that we start to react and to deploy strategies.

However, thinking about worst-case scenarios almost constantly generates unhealthy and exhausting overactivation. We are always vigilant. And all of this translates into insomnia, physical tension and discomfort.

What can we do in these cases?

When we realize that the mind filters every reality, event, and thought through fatalism and negativity, it’s time to stop. Taking a break for a few days and giving ourselves time to rest is the most ideal. Peace and physical tranquility are the first step in calming the mind.

Once we have achieved the proper internal balance, it is time to streamline ideas and promote change. States of constant worry demand new decisions. Let’s do it smartly with your own well-being in mind.

A worried woman.

Why am I worried about everything? Generalized anxiety

Constantly worrying and suffering for the unspeakable before every thought can be a symptom of a psychological problem. If we spend months (and even years) wondering why we worry about everything, it’s possible we have Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD).

This floating anxiety which obscures everything and which offers us no truce configures a state of great mental and physical exhaustion. In view of this condition, it is important to seek specialized help. The symptoms are usually the following:

  • Inability to control worry.
  • Deterioration of work and personal environment due to this constant concern.
  • A broad physical symptomatology: tachycardia, body aches, insomnia, dizziness, fatigue, feeling of suffocation …
  • These situations must have been present for at least 6 months.

What can we do in these cases?

Behind generalized anxiety disorder, there may be other realities to consider, such as depression or trauma. It is important to establish a good diagnosis and to personalize the therapeutic strategy according to the needs of each patient.

In most cases, cognitive behavioral therapy works well. Finally, it is essential that we learn to deal with states of concern.

It’s not about stopping to think about what’s troubling us, or ignoring the challenge we face. The key to well-being is learning to think in a healthy way, to care effectively by finding solutions to every problem.

A monster comes to see me: his name is ANXIETY
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