Why Shouldn’t You Stay In Your Pajamas During Quarantine?

How can not staying in pajamas help us during quarantine? Why can this help us feel better while in lockdown? We try to answer these questions in our article.
Why shouldn't you stay in your pajamas during quarantine?

We have all had to change our routine due to the current situation. For the most part, we are in quarantine and must remain confined to our homes. Home is no longer just a place to relax, it is also our workplace and our gym. As the role of our accommodation has changed, it is important to take into account certain points during quarantine, such as the importance of not staying in your pajamas, of getting ready and eating at the same times as in normal times.

Roughly speaking, if it is important to maintain your hygiene habits and to continue to dress, it is because it will help us to preserve our physical health as well as our mental health. By creating new habits and a new schedule, it will be easier for us to keep a routine and control the time during quarantine.

A woman on her computer in pajamas

Staying in pajamas, a mistake that prevents us from keeping a structured routine during quarantine

During quarantine, the temptation to stay in your pajamas, to stop exercising or to eat poorly is stronger. But this is exactly the opposite of what we need to do.

First of all, it is important to clarify one point: this is not a vacation. Quarantine is a measure that aims to restrict movement due to an extraordinary situation.

It is therefore necessary to adapt your routine so that it resembles as much as possible the routine that we have in normal times. It is therefore relevant to create a schedule that includes times for physical exercise, times for leisure, meal times and rest time.

In the same way, it is necessary to adapt the different spaces of one’s home and to differentiate them: one space for working, another space for recreational and playful activities.

To follow the new routine effectively, it is necessary that the first activity of our routine is personal grooming: it is necessary to prepare and dress before starting to perform the tasks of your schedule.

At the end of your working day, you can put on a more comfortable outfit again. This will help your mind understand that even if you don’t change space, it’s time to relax. However, it is recommended that you put on your pajamas only at bedtime, so that the body understands that it is time to sleep.

Dress to maintain good self-esteem and be effective

During quarantine, it is necessary to keep in mind our objectives despite having to do without our usual framework and the presence of our colleagues. Dressing during quarantine will help us get there: it is a way to show motivation and encourage us to do the activities we need to do.

First of all, getting dressed will promote better efficiency. When we have no outside pressure, it is more difficult to work. Wearing the right clothes for the activity we need to do will help us be more efficient. If, for example, you start taking online classes, your learning will be much better if the space and clothing you wear are appropriate.

Then, getting dressed helps to maintain good self-esteem. Usually, this perspective is fueled, in large part, by the compliments that others give us. Being in quarantine, the number of people we can see face to face is very limited. Hence, one has to fuel one’s self-esteem by oneself.

To perform this function properly, taking care of yourself is essential. More concretely, showering, putting on clothes and doing your hair are simple actions that will fuel our confidence.

In short, keeping the reflex to prepare at the start of the day not only makes it easier to maintain a structured routine, but also to enjoy good self-esteem despite the difficult situation we are going through.

Motivation, the key to facing emotional waves during quarantine

We all know that motivation is fundamental to carry out any activity. If we make our dreams come true and achieve our goals, it is through motivation. However, there are many factors that can affect our motivation, and one of them is being locked away at home day and night.

Likewise, the critical situation we find ourselves in on a global scale and the sudden and forced change in routine can trigger the onset of symptoms of anxiety and depression. This situation can create a general ill-being that will affect not only our personal functioning but also that of those around us. This is due to a synchronization between what is happening inside of us (inner world) and what is happening in our context (outer world).

The appearance of these symptoms is almost inevitable. It is therefore important to know how to manage them. Motivation comes into play at this point: thanks to it, we can find and apply tools that will help us to control the situation in the best possible way. From this perspective, dressing rather than staying in pajamas can encourage our motivation and thus help us manage our emotions.

When we make the effort to dress, we encourage ourselves to do activities and thus maintain a routine. By doing this, we will be able to move forward and control the emotional waves that are the consequence of the current situation.

Do not stay in pajamas during quarantine

Why don’t astronauts stay in their pajamas in space?

To conclude, we felt it was important to give you a concrete example about the importance of not spending the entire period of confinement in your pajamas. Here we will take the example of astronauts.

When the latter are on a mission in space, they spend months being locked up. Even in this context, they must follow a routine that includes dressing in order to differentiate the different times of the day.

This example shows the importance of maintaining a routine that includes changes in outfit and a separation of spaces depending on the activity to be performed. This allows us to experience the situation in the best possible way, to face it with greater motivation.

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