Words Are The Best Aphrodisiac For Women

Words are the best aphrodisiac for women

Seduce me with words, with words that you whisper in my ear when you hug me , talk to me while you look at me to dive deep into my being, write to me when you think of me and do- know me that I am present in your life through your words.

Here’s a secret many men don’t know: The best aphrodisiac for women is through the talk.

But not all words, all hugs and kisses are created equal.

I need to feel your sincerity, that your actions accompany your words, that you really care about me because otherwise your words will be meaningless and the magic will not happen.

How to use words an aphrodisiac for women

Communication is always very important, especially when two people start to get to know each other better and better.

Women, in general, pay attention to everything: the way men look at them, talk to them, say things to them, touch them, etc.

The way they move or dress is also very important. This does not mean that they jump to conclusions, but just that they want to know the person they are in front of them inside out.


One of the most important and most appealing aspects to women with words is that, if used properly, they can have a powerfully aphrodisiac effect.

But, how should they be used in order for them to seduce them? 

Express yourself with sincerity and naturalness

Words that come from the heart, that are sincere, that are not already ready, can touch women in the depths of their soul.

It is not only a question of learning poetic phrases and of repeating them, but of letting yourself be carried away by all the feelings which the woman in front of you inspires in you, and of expressing yourself in the most natural and natural way. respect.

Too many compliments or an attitude that is too honeyed can have the opposite effect of what is intended, they can make the woman uncomfortable.

It is important to find a balance so as not to overdo it, just to be attentive to the reaction of the other. The eyes, for example, can never lie.

Accompany your words

Women like to be talked to, but also to be watched, to be listened to when they speak, to be interested in them.

A sweet word accompanied by a look suggests a lot of things. But this look, too, must be sincere and natural.

Nothing is more attractive than a man who is truly himself with a woman.

As confidence grows, a caress and a few well-tuned words can make a woman succumb.

But all of this must be done with delicacy, respect and feeling, without overconfidence, arrogance or contempt.

Have a sense of humor

A few words spoken with a little humor or irony can be very seductive.

We don’t all have the same sense of humor, so you have to wait until you get to know the person you are in front of you a little bit and always joke with respect and finesse.

We all love to laugh and we all want to be around funny people. But it is often difficult to perfectly match two different senses of humor.

You have to be patient for this to happen, because it requires knowing the other well, knowing what they like and what they don’t.

Talk and listen

Don’t be overly vocal, as it can quickly become monotonous. Talking too much and not letting the other person speak can be very uncomfortable for them, who cannot communicate what they are thinking or feeling.

A conversation must leave room for the words of both people, their respective silences. It must allow their two eyes to meet and meet.


An aphrodisiac under certain conditions

If the words are not sincere, if they are not accompanied by significant acts, they will remain meaningless. 

There will be no consistency between what is said and what is done. All these irrelevant words, without feelings, will fly away, disperse and there will be nothing left.

Women are particularly sensitive to this inconsistency between words and feelings, it is a situation that can hurt them a lot and cause them to think that there are other things behind the words spoken.

Images by Pascal Campion


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