You Are The Master Of Your Destiny

You are the master of your destiny
Taking responsibility is not easy, especially when you live with the stigma of your childhood.
For many of us it is easier to say to ourselves “I was brought up in such a way, which is why I behave like that”.
Becoming an adult involves being responsible for yourself.  You can’t blame your teachers for not teaching you something that you should know today, because if you need certain knowledge, you can learn it on your own.
You also cannot blame your childhood friends, who gave you bad habits or kept you from moving forward, because if you have behaviors that affect your adult life , you are the only one who can change them.

The past shouldn’t hold you back

It is obvious that the past influences your present life. But, if you are able to detect the reason for a problem and deal with it, you will see that everything will start to be fine.
Stop looking into the past to explain what is happening to you today. If you can’t get over your story, consult a professional and you will see that no trauma is insurmountable.
Some are very difficult to solve, but over time we can all get past issues that have affected us in the past.
Often times, what comes back to you from the past causes you a lot of suffering, paralyzes you, and does not allow you to fully experience the present moment.
If during your childhood, you were told over and over again that you were “fat / fat”, “stupid” or “useless” (or any other disparaging adjective), it is certain that these words are engraved in your mind, and that you think that you still are, even though you have become an adult.
If you put all your energy into it, you can change that negative mindset that is holding you back in the past.  

Mature, grow and change

Becoming an adult involves maturing, growing and changing. Your adult life doesn’t have to be negative just because your childhood was negative. 
Changing the labels we wear can take a lot of work, but in the long run, positive thoughts lead to proactive change, which breeds self-esteem and acceptance.
Even though many people consider their childhood to be the best time of their existence, others have very bad memories of it, and these are things that cannot be changed. However , as we mature we have all the tools to build and rebuild our lives, as we no longer depend on anyone to create our own present,  but we all have the power to change it.
Leave the bad experiences in your past, and take control of your destiny.

Apologies and incompetence

Many people hide behind their past, not just because it was terrible, but because they can’t find the courage to change, and take responsibility as adults. 
Fears are not insurmountable, even if it is easier to tell yourself that you can’t help it, that you have been brought up like that, than to face your ignorance or incompetence.
Keep in mind that no one can take you out of your comfort zone, you are the only one who can, especially through your actions. Fear can be a great motivator, and only you can decide how to use it.
Overcoming the obstacles that hold you back from moving forward will allow you to determine your own existence, and nothing is truer than this statement: you are the sole master of your destiny. 

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