You Are What You Say, But Above All What You Do

You are what you say, but above all what you do

Thinking that your beliefs and values ​​define you is great if your actions are in the same direction. But, sometimes, your words and actions may take different paths and everything remains on the level of good intentions. You are more what you say than what you do. Think about it.

There is no point in bragging about being a good person if, in fact, you are not helping others. It doesn’t matter whether you are resourceful or not if you don’t do anything creative afterwards. Priding yourself on being someone you think you are is very easy, the hard part is actually getting there. So the question is: why are you doing this? Why do you confirm that you are someone but don’t demonstrate it?

What you do defines you

Despite all the good intentions we can have, what defines us will be what we do. Our actions will always weigh more than our words. However, believing otherwise says a lot about how we relate to others, show ourselves, and manipulate reality.

We can observe an example of this in these couple relationships which feed on promises which very often remain at the stage of words. Swear and repeat that we will never let this person we love so much, assert that he will be the only one and that we will always be there in difficult times… All of this, no matter how beautiful it is, may not come true to one. certain moment. There are variables that we cannot control.

young man who marks the difference between deeds and words

We may meet someone we like even more and therefore break up with our current mate. We may also end up cheating on him / her with another person or that in difficult times we are unable to cope with the pressure and choose to run away. That way, our spouse will be disappointed and won’t even recognize us because he / she believed in everything we told them and everything we were going to do.

In a way, we have given great power to words. Holding someone by our side, manipulating reality to our advantage, and asserting what we are not in reality. However, in the hour of truth, words can fall and all that remains is the actions we have performed to truly define us.

Good intentions that camouflage great fears

The greatest danger in asserting such categorical truths about us is that, despite going up in smoke at some point, we end up believing them ourselves. Despite everything, instead of confirming them with actions, we stay there, doing nothing, as if it were a comfort zone. In fact, it can happen because sometimes good intentions are laden with deep fears.

Let us not forget that the one who asserts his superiority out loud always tries to cover up insecurities and fears that he does not want to see himself. It’s natural. To look our fears in the eye is terrifying. It’s easier to turn your back on them and pretend they’re not there. Even though, as time goes on, they turn into a heavier and heavier load.

young woman with double face

This will not allow us to live with peace, positivity and consistency. There will be no congruence between what we think, what we feel and what we do. In this way, it will be impossible for us to be able to find and live the much desired vital balance.

Thus, we are not better because we believe that our way of thinking is ideal or because we affirm it, without doing anything more. Our actions can thwart our words and make us look like liars. Let’s not forget that nothing defines us better than our actions.

It might be more constructive to act more and talk a little less or, at least, to respect what we say …


Images by James Hartley


We inspire confidence when our words are accompanied by deeds
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