You Have To Let Go Of Someone Who Has Never Been There

You have to let go of someone who has never been there

To go away is not quite not to be present. There are a lot of ways you can’t be punctual and not be present in someone’s life. To be absent from the life of someone who loves you is something you choose.

So we have to realize that we have to stop making excuses to stay. We must say goodbye, but a capital goodbye, in order to close all the loopholes through which he could re-enter. A real farewell. Firm and robust.

Instead of letting ourselves be carried away, we must learn to leave ourselves when we are in a situation that wears us out and has no solution.

When you are able to detach yourself from something that has imprisoned you for so long, you are able to clear your mind and let go of the absences you did not understand that kept your life addicted.


Growing up is learning to say goodbye

Succeeding in saying goodbye to someone who has never been present means not backing down, separating what enriches us from what wears us out, taking care of our integrity and stopping begging for a few crumbs of a love that does not exist. that in our mind.

When there is no reciprocity or the scales are tilted towards pain, the relationship loses all meaning and the only thing you get is an agony that awaits the outcome that is woven. little by little between his sons.

The moment we let go, we realize that moving over it means breaking free, growing, and creating new life for yourself.

This new atmosphere makes it possible to sow new emotions on a ground which until now was not fertile.


Thinking that someone will always be there is a big mistake

Sometimes people disappear from our lives at times, thinking that they can come back when it suits them, because they are sure that we will always be there.

But life is not like that, we all deserve respect and absences must be paid at a high price.

Blind love is not a sufficient guarantee for a relationship to last. This is why sometimes, in the case of stories with ellipses, you have to know how to close them and put an end to them. On this depends our emotional well-being.

It is difficult to face a decisive farewell with the certainty that we will have to struggle to heal the wound of abandonment. We are afraid of losing our self-esteem, our self-confidence and our well-being.


Learning about life involves a certain disorientation that can distress us. We must be aware that part of the road will have to be traveled with uncertainty as a companion.

It is not convenient but it is worth it, as long as the exchange allows the reconstruction of oneself and harmony with our interior.

It’s about being honest and demanding with our emotional companies. It is not always easy, but what is necessary is not always.

Detaching ourselves from what generates selfishness, interests and unjustified absences will help us to start a new stage in our life, to sow and build foundations for our self-esteem. We can then grow emotionally.

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