Zolpidem: Characteristics And Side Effects

Zolpidem: Characteristics and side effects

Zolpidem, also known as Stilnox, Nocte or Adromix, is used for occasional sleep disorders such as insomnia. Zolpidem is a hypnotic of the imidazopyridine class of rapid action which makes it useful for patients who have difficulty falling asleep or for those who suffer from frequent awakenings.

It is possible that many of our readers are familiar with this active ingredient incorporated in the trade names mentioned above. Zolpidem is arguably one of the most prescribed drugs for short-term insomnia, limiting its administration to a minimum of one or two days and a maximum of one month taking into account withdrawal of the drug itself. same.

It is also a chemical resource that is often used in the United States Air Force to facilitate the nightly rest of many pilots following a mission. It is effective, fast, and leaves few “symptoms” the next day, as conventional benzodiazepines such as lormetazepam might.

In reality, the fact that Zolpidem is not a benzodiazepine per se and lacks side effects does not mean that we are dealing with a harmless drug. We are in the presence of an active principle endowed with a high addictive potential in the event that we use it for a long time. Let’s see more information next.

chemical formula of zolpidem

Zolpidem, what is it for?

Zolpidem, as we have already stated, is prescribed to treat insomnia in the short term. Its mechanism of action is similar to that of benzodiazepines, it acts on gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), but molecularly, they are two different compounds and Zolpidem has no effect at the bone marrow level.

  • In fact, it’s interesting to know that this drug is one of the most respectful of sleep architecture and its phases, whether REM or non-REM. All this undoubtedly makes it easier to maintain a deep and uninterrupted night’s sleep.
  • On the other hand, it should be emphasized that Zolpidem is also prescribed to patients who suffer from restless leg syndrome. It is generally effective in the elderly because it facilitates rest, reduces movement of the extremities without imposing disturbing side effects.

Zolpidem belongs to the Z medicines, like Zoplicone or Zaleplon, which are benzodiazepine analogs and also used for the treatment of insomnia.

How should Zolpidem be taken?

This substance, like any other, should be prescribed by a doctor. Specialists will recommend whether or not to use this hypnotic, as well as the duration of treatment. As we pointed out previously, we are faced with a chemical substance which improves the quality of sleep, but whose administration must be limited to 2 days or even 4 weeks.

Its effect is rapid, so it is recommended that the person be prepared to rest for 7-8 hours in a row. Thus, during this period of time we will not be able to drive and also not perform an activity that requires our attention. In fact, if we wake up 2-3 hours after taking the medicine, we will experience difficulty in coordination, low alertness, memory problems, and high fatigue.


Side effects of Zolpidem

Z drugs are effective and Zolpidem is one of the most prescribed. On the other hand, it is important to remember that it has a high addictive potential when it is used frequently. Its tolerance is very high, it metabolizes very quickly in the liver and being a sedative hypnotic it is important to pay attention to other drugs or substances that we consume in order to avoid interactions between them.

When we consume Zolpidem on a regular basis, we may experience the following side effects:

  • Anterograde amnesia
  • Drowsiness
  • Visual hallucinations
  • Dry mouth
  • Coordination issues
  • Bowel problems (diarrhea or constipation)
  • Tremors of extremities
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Pain in the joints
  • Heavy menstrual bleeding
  • Headache
  • Somnambulism

It is also important to point out that older people are more sensitive to the effects of hypnotics, for this it is necessary to follow to the letter the indications of specialists on their administration. When treatment with Zolpidem is prolonged beyond the recommended doses, the elderly are at greater risk of suffering from falls or adverse cognitive effects.


The use of Zolpidem reduces our driving abilities which increases the risk of suffering from road accidents. This is not trivial, most hypnotics reduce our ability to react and coordinate. Let us remind once again that it is important not to exceed the programmed duration of treatment, which should never exceed 4 weeks.

To conclude, let’s underline the fact that this drug can interact with other drugs, substances or supplements and vitamins whether their origin is natural or not . We therefore always follow the indications of our doctors and be attentive to possible unexpected side effects that we must in any case immediately indicate to the specialists.


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